Become a Professional Animator

 By : Muhamad Zain Amin leader of Anima Kandilo Studio

   The film industry is a promising business today. Because of that, we will have a competitor that is quite a lot if you want to wrestle in this field. Creating animated work is one that we can do to compete in the movie business. In the film industry the most important thing is the stories we create. The story that we make must be able to make people who watch it did not turn in the slightest until the end of the story. But if it is difficult to make an interesting story we can create animations from events or funny videos we have ever tasted or seen. In the animated stories are basically just three parts of the story. Namely: "boy meet girl", "boy lose girl" and "boy find girl".

   BOY GIRL MEET is the beginning of a story in which the protagonist meets with important people in their lives or tell people important to the protagonist or the main character mencerittakan anyone how or what had happened to the main character. BOY GIRL LOSE is the core of the story where the main character lost important people in their lives and people who need it protects the main character or experience that changed his life and made it a goal to be solved it. FIND BOY GIRL is the end of the story where the main character managed to find or save people who are important in his life could atu also the main pemerann successfully completed what is its purpose or it has to do. Animation itself there are several types. Like, 2D animation, 3D animation, and stopmotion.

   2D ANIMATION: Animation of this type is intended for those who are drawing ability and endurance abilities in drawing in large quantities. Because pure 2D animation entirely freehand drawing. Be it "character design, key drawings, inbetween, layout, background, and more", then afterwards on the input into the computer for coloring and composing process. The application used to create 2D animation including: adobe flash, adobe after effects, adobe photoshop, adobe premiere pro, toonboom, and others.

   3D ANIMATION: Animation of this type also requires the ability to draw, but the image created is not as much as in 2D animation. 3D animations only need to draw the entire design of characters and objects that are required to be made or frontground beckground. However, these objects can also be directly made in koputer menggunan 3D applications if the object is not too difficult. The application used to create 3D animations including: 3dmax, lightwave, blender, maya, and so forth.

   Stopmotion: For those who do not have expertise in drawing or picture to feel less good, they could try stopmotion animation. Stopmotion itself is photographing every change of motion (movement), using a camera or other device that can take pictures and edit later. So we just requires precision and patience in making animation stopmotion. When finished photographing the entire movement and the desired scene. We stayed combine using composing application and add effect-specific effect or edit the photos if necessary. Easy application used to create animation stopmotion is "Helium Frog 2:06".

   A process that must be done in sequence to create the animation, especially in the manufacturing of 2D animation, namely:

  • First "story", without the story we can not make an animation.
  • Both "character design", we must make the existing characters in the story later.

  • Third "storyboard", in this section we have to make cuts into multiple scene and in sebuat scene there is some cut from the story that we created, scene are pieces of the story while the cut is a group of events from pieces of the story, on the storyboard that we picture is a picture of events that are on the cut of the scene. And in the storyboard also we determine the background or frontground, position and movement of the camera and write conversational dialog carackter if any. 
  • Fourth "layout", is pouring a picture of a cut in the storyboard to a layer or sheet of paper is greater.
  • The five "key drawing", is a key movement of a cut is the initial movement and the movement end.
  • Sixth "inbetween", is drawing peroses a movement that connects key initial drawing and drawing the final key.

  • Seventh "background", is the background to be shown in our animation work later.
  • Eighth "coloring", after all the necessary ingredients after drawn, after which we sceen entire inbeetwen and background into the computer for stained as per our desire to use photoshop application, sai, or other.
  • Ninth "composing", after all the images have been colored and then we combine with the storyline using the application after effects, adobe premiere pro, or others. Processed we also add effects, backsound, dubbing, and the credits roll.
  • Tenth "rendering", the final process after arrange all images as well as others, hereinafter we render  it into a video that has the size and quality of the video according to our wishes.

   In making an animated step does have a fairly long and long. But if we do not try, we will not know whether or not to make easy work of animation obstruction. We have to love what we do, because it will be our protectors of feeling can not be lazy in his work. So, who wants to love you understood better job or make employment income from what you like.
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